日本與祕魯經濟夥伴協定於2012年3月1日生效日本官方宣佈,2009年與秘魯簽訂的經濟夥伴協定(EPA)將於2012年3月1日生效;水產出口業將因此成為受益最多的小額信貸產業。日本依EPA協議開放99.8%秘魯出口品享市場准入優惠,其中88.2%與稅目有關。祕魯外貿及觀光部(MINCETUR)表示,日本對進口大烏賊、鰻魚、鯖魚、章魚售屋網及鯷魚罐頭等水產品興趣濃厚。烏賊、魚油及劍旗魚等水產品將可享市場優惠關稅。日本近幾年積極投資祕魯,去年雙邊貿易量較前年成長一成。(摘譯自景觀設計INFOFISH Trade News, No. 4/2012,1 Mar. 2012)EPA COMES INTO FORCE IN MARCH 2012The Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) signed between Peru 會場佈置and Japan in 2009 comes intoforce on 1 March, 2012 and it is predicted that fisheries exports will be the first to benefit from thepact, a 帛琉Japanese official said. Through the EPA, Japan offers preferential market access to 99.8%of Peruvian exports, which involves 88.2% to tariff 宜蘭民宿lines.Japan is interested in importing more jumbo squid, eel, mackerel, octopus and canned anchovies,the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Trade 居酒屋and Tourism (MINCETUR) said. Several products, such assquid, fish oil and swordfish will be able to enter the market with preferential 辦公室出租tariffs.In recent years, a significant increase in Japanese investment in Peru was also reported. Last yearbilateral trade between both 系統傢俱countries increased by 10% over the previous year.

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